Seller’s Salve

By Tee Rogers

One of my commitments at a recent sales conference was to resume writing regularly in my sales journal. Here’s a peek at a recent entry.

“When your values are clear to you, making decisions becomes easier.” -Roy Disney

Modern sales is rooted in service, understanding, integrity, compassion, creativity, kindness, character, listening, and leading with the heart. It’s about connecting people to meaningful, personalized solutions that make a positive difference in their lives.

Sounds like a wonderful profession, right? Yet many sales cultures push antiquated, negative methodologies leaving sales professionals to internalize stereotypes and experience moral diminution.

Consider this:

  • 70% of sellers report struggling with mental health (2024 State of Mental Health in Sales Report).
  • That’s a 7% increase from 2023 and an 11% from the year prior

The solution? The Seller’s Salve? Alignment. Knowing and living our personal values is a powerful way to reduce such stress and protect mental well-being.

“Be, and consistently work toward achieving, the best version of ourselves” was a core message at the recent SCI Mastermind sales retreat that deeply resonated with me. And that must start with Γνῶθι σαυτόν – Know Thyself.

When our values align with & reflect in all that we do – how we live, how we serve, how we play, how we sell – we’re better positioned to help our clients and be the best ambassador for the company we represent.

The concept is value congruence – alignment of values and actions across different roles in our lives. Research shows it has a profound positive impact on psychological well-being.

What does success mean to YOU?

Have you written your personal vision and mission statements? What are your personal core values? What is your guiding value statement? Do these align with your professional role? With your company?

Here are mine: 

  • Vision: My actions add value to the world and to individual lives I touch.
  • Mission: Focus on positive impact.
  • Core Values: Integrity, authenticity, empathy, inclusion, service, creativity, sustainability, collaboration.
  • Value statement: Uplifting others is our greatest responsibility.


Sales Professionals: How does that resonate with you?
Sales Leaders: What are you doing to coach your team to adopt a holistic, values-based approach?